Friendship they say is not by force. It is often said that if you show me your friends, I will tell you who you are. For friendship to be tr...
Friendship they say is not by force. It is often said that if you show me your friends, I will tell you who you are. For friendship to be true, you need to make sacrifices. Let these Motivational Words About True Friendship and Encouraging Messages Of Inspiration guide your heart to ponder about what kind of a friend you are. A good friend should build up his or her friends for mutual benefits and not the other way round.
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 1
Friends! Friends!! Oh friends!!! How will the world be without friends? If you want to live without a friend then be ready to put down your life to `exit’ within the most possible time.
~A friend can either make or break you but be it as it may, you can never do without them.~
Life is all about friendship. We all need a friend, possibly friends, to make our life and world go round. Friends will make you laugh, friends will make you cry and even make you regret ever knowing them but inspite of all these, we all need a friend(s).
Friendship brings togetherness and still in friendship, there togetherness grows. Like they say, united we stand, divided we fall. When we unite in friendship, we can accomplish more, but if we stand aside, then nothing can be achieved.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 2
Togetherness is the key. It is the weapon that destroys disunity. Where the people unite in love with mutual trust and respect for one another, nothing and I mean no enemy can come around to destroy them.
~Friendship in togetherness makes us achieve more.~
The bound of love, call it boundless love, it is what keeps friendship together. If you want to enjoy the essence of life, get along with true friends who keep your interest at heart.
The joy of having true friends around you is like an unseen medication that heals the mind from every emotional sickness.
If you want to make progress in life, never stand alone because no man is an island. Always remember that “No one makes progress except in the company of others”.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 3
If your aim is to fly higher in life, then carry as much people along as you can because when you miss your track, it is the people you carry along that will help you get along with life and not to land on the bare ground where help might not be possible.
Good as this advice maybe, do always have it at the back of your mind that friends at times if not always, are the ones that will bring about your downfall.
~It is the kind of friends you keep that will determine if you will fulfill your purpose.~
Remember that he who knows you is the one who can easily harm you. No one knows you except a trusted friend who will secretly lead the way to your downfall.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 4
~If you must trust any friend, keep it in mind the benefit of doubt.~
In overcoming this, learn to keep a part of your heart for betrayals. Again, remember that success can never come your way without betrayal from trusted friends.
Sometimes, it is their betrayals that will propel the force of success to come your way. If a friend had disappointed you, bad as it may sound, learn to smile about it and put that behind you.
Do not go in search of revenge. If you do, then, you have broken the law of love which is a product of friendship.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 5
~Even in betrayal from a trusted friend, do not go in for revenge; leave that to nature to take it cause.~
Instead of channeling you energy seeking for revenge, I would rather say, channel it to something productive. If you seek to revenge, you can never have it the best way it should be.
Leave such a friend to his/her conscience. Conscience is the best punisher. It has in it the sweet revenge which had been written; we called it the law of karma.
Karma might be slow in actualizing it revenge but you know what, it gives time and when it finally comes, even the blind would know that this is the act of providence.
Again, I would say to withstand this act of betrayals from friends, always prepare your mind for the worst when dealing with anyone so that when the unforeseen happens, you will with an easy fortune; pick up the pieces of that occurrence of a broken heart and move on with life without looking back.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 6
~It is the courage to give in moment of betrayals that makes you a matured person.~
Though sometimes you would not have all that you might need from friends but you can do yourself this favour, do not let your friend choose you, choose your friends.
In choosing your friends, you need to check out both their physical and inner strengths. How! You might ask. Do a SWOT analysis I say. Check out their Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treat.
If you can keep up with it, then go for it but if you find nothing in between the line, then like barbwire, keep off.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 7
~If a friend has nothing to contribute to your life, there is no need keeping such as a friend.~
Again, any friend that takes you away from the reality of life and makes pretending look like friendship; such a friend actually never worth the salt to be called your friend.
Anyone you call your friend but cannot contribute positively to make you a better person in life nor share your dream and aspirations, my sincere advice to you is stay off and again, keeps off!
Friendship is to make you strong and not to make you weak. It is to make you better than when they meet you. When in friendship you do not find this, again I say, back-off.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 8
~Anyone who is there for you when others kept off, that for sure is a true friend.~
A friend should make you better than when they meet you. The only way to get this done is not to go along with unserious kind of people if your dream is aiming high.
Aiming high should be your altitude in life. And fulfilling this means you must surround yourself with the right kind of people.
People who see beyond you, people who can look you straight into your face and tell you the truth when you are going astray and not the kind of friends who will praise-sing you even when they knew you are heading towards destruction.
Like I said, if you want to stand tall and see beyond others, then you must stand among mighty men. In this case, it is the kind of friends you keep that will determine your achieving that greatness.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 9
~True friends bring you to your greatness even when you seem not to see.~
Another thing I should let you know is that the kind of person you are will definitely show the kind of people you will ever attract around yourself as friends.
Like they say, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. You cannot determine the true character of anyone except when you meet them in the company of their peers.
Remember, light begets light just as friends beget friends and too opposite line can never meet in a parallel direction. It is what you have that you can give, so is friendship.
Like they say, “you cannot give what you do not have”. It is who and what you are, that the same kind of people will be attracted to you.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 10
~Like birds of same feathers, so do friends of the same weather, flock together.~
If you must be a friend, be the friend who can be trusted. You should give your all and never expect anything in return.
When you give your all, your reward certainly will be sure if not now, but in the future. You may or may not benefit from it but your generation yet unborn will ever live to partake of it.
It is good to be a good friend because a good friend is like a good name which is better than riches. A good friend is better than a bad brother.
So strive in as much as you can in all you do to make an impact in the life of people that comes your way.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 11
~If you learn to live for others, others will learn to live for you.~
Let your friends always have a good story to tell about you. And this story should be what will inspire others.
Permit me to add here that if your friends are not doing this for you, never count such to be your friend. So in choosing your friend(s), make such they come with inspiring qualities like one of my cousins Esther Daniel puts it in one of her Facebook post.
FRIENDS: Forgive you. Respect you. Inspire you. Encourage you. Nourish you. Defend you. Support you.
If you found out that none of your friends have in them these qualities, I beg of you again, to keep off. And if you are a friend and you are not giving in to these definition of true friends as stated, then I beg to ask of you what kind of a friend are you?
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 1
Friends! Friends!! Oh friends!!! How will the world be without friends? If you want to live without a friend then be ready to put down your life to `exit’ within the most possible time.
~A friend can either make or break you but be it as it may, you can never do without them.~
Life is all about friendship. We all need a friend, possibly friends, to make our life and world go round. Friends will make you laugh, friends will make you cry and even make you regret ever knowing them but inspite of all these, we all need a friend(s).
Friendship brings togetherness and still in friendship, there togetherness grows. Like they say, united we stand, divided we fall. When we unite in friendship, we can accomplish more, but if we stand aside, then nothing can be achieved.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 2
Togetherness is the key. It is the weapon that destroys disunity. Where the people unite in love with mutual trust and respect for one another, nothing and I mean no enemy can come around to destroy them.
~Friendship in togetherness makes us achieve more.~
The bound of love, call it boundless love, it is what keeps friendship together. If you want to enjoy the essence of life, get along with true friends who keep your interest at heart.
The joy of having true friends around you is like an unseen medication that heals the mind from every emotional sickness.
If you want to make progress in life, never stand alone because no man is an island. Always remember that “No one makes progress except in the company of others”.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 3
If your aim is to fly higher in life, then carry as much people along as you can because when you miss your track, it is the people you carry along that will help you get along with life and not to land on the bare ground where help might not be possible.
Good as this advice maybe, do always have it at the back of your mind that friends at times if not always, are the ones that will bring about your downfall.
~It is the kind of friends you keep that will determine if you will fulfill your purpose.~
Remember that he who knows you is the one who can easily harm you. No one knows you except a trusted friend who will secretly lead the way to your downfall.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 4
~If you must trust any friend, keep it in mind the benefit of doubt.~
In overcoming this, learn to keep a part of your heart for betrayals. Again, remember that success can never come your way without betrayal from trusted friends.
Sometimes, it is their betrayals that will propel the force of success to come your way. If a friend had disappointed you, bad as it may sound, learn to smile about it and put that behind you.
Do not go in search of revenge. If you do, then, you have broken the law of love which is a product of friendship.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 5
~Even in betrayal from a trusted friend, do not go in for revenge; leave that to nature to take it cause.~
Instead of channeling you energy seeking for revenge, I would rather say, channel it to something productive. If you seek to revenge, you can never have it the best way it should be.
Leave such a friend to his/her conscience. Conscience is the best punisher. It has in it the sweet revenge which had been written; we called it the law of karma.
Karma might be slow in actualizing it revenge but you know what, it gives time and when it finally comes, even the blind would know that this is the act of providence.
Again, I would say to withstand this act of betrayals from friends, always prepare your mind for the worst when dealing with anyone so that when the unforeseen happens, you will with an easy fortune; pick up the pieces of that occurrence of a broken heart and move on with life without looking back.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 6
~It is the courage to give in moment of betrayals that makes you a matured person.~
Though sometimes you would not have all that you might need from friends but you can do yourself this favour, do not let your friend choose you, choose your friends.
In choosing your friends, you need to check out both their physical and inner strengths. How! You might ask. Do a SWOT analysis I say. Check out their Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treat.
If you can keep up with it, then go for it but if you find nothing in between the line, then like barbwire, keep off.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 7
~If a friend has nothing to contribute to your life, there is no need keeping such as a friend.~
Again, any friend that takes you away from the reality of life and makes pretending look like friendship; such a friend actually never worth the salt to be called your friend.
Anyone you call your friend but cannot contribute positively to make you a better person in life nor share your dream and aspirations, my sincere advice to you is stay off and again, keeps off!
Friendship is to make you strong and not to make you weak. It is to make you better than when they meet you. When in friendship you do not find this, again I say, back-off.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 8
~Anyone who is there for you when others kept off, that for sure is a true friend.~
A friend should make you better than when they meet you. The only way to get this done is not to go along with unserious kind of people if your dream is aiming high.
Aiming high should be your altitude in life. And fulfilling this means you must surround yourself with the right kind of people.
People who see beyond you, people who can look you straight into your face and tell you the truth when you are going astray and not the kind of friends who will praise-sing you even when they knew you are heading towards destruction.
Like I said, if you want to stand tall and see beyond others, then you must stand among mighty men. In this case, it is the kind of friends you keep that will determine your achieving that greatness.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 9
~True friends bring you to your greatness even when you seem not to see.~
Another thing I should let you know is that the kind of person you are will definitely show the kind of people you will ever attract around yourself as friends.
Like they say, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. You cannot determine the true character of anyone except when you meet them in the company of their peers.
Remember, light begets light just as friends beget friends and too opposite line can never meet in a parallel direction. It is what you have that you can give, so is friendship.
Like they say, “you cannot give what you do not have”. It is who and what you are, that the same kind of people will be attracted to you.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 10
~Like birds of same feathers, so do friends of the same weather, flock together.~
If you must be a friend, be the friend who can be trusted. You should give your all and never expect anything in return.
When you give your all, your reward certainly will be sure if not now, but in the future. You may or may not benefit from it but your generation yet unborn will ever live to partake of it.
It is good to be a good friend because a good friend is like a good name which is better than riches. A good friend is better than a bad brother.
So strive in as much as you can in all you do to make an impact in the life of people that comes your way.
Love and Peace!
What Kind Of A Friend Are You? – Part 11
~If you learn to live for others, others will learn to live for you.~
Let your friends always have a good story to tell about you. And this story should be what will inspire others.
Permit me to add here that if your friends are not doing this for you, never count such to be your friend. So in choosing your friend(s), make such they come with inspiring qualities like one of my cousins Esther Daniel puts it in one of her Facebook post.
FRIENDS: Forgive you. Respect you. Inspire you. Encourage you. Nourish you. Defend you. Support you.
If you found out that none of your friends have in them these qualities, I beg of you again, to keep off. And if you are a friend and you are not giving in to these definition of true friends as stated, then I beg to ask of you what kind of a friend are you?
Love and Peace!