No man is an island. If you would get to your destination in life, you need others along your pathway to success. Be guided by these Life In...
No man is an island. If you would get to your destination in life, you need others along your pathway to success. Be guided by these Life Inspiration About How To Get To Your Destination in life and the Words Of Motivation About A Good Morning Smiles. It is one of the things you would need to learn from as your journey around life’s many routes for the sake of fulfilling your given purpose in life.
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 1
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself” – Ralph W. Emerson
There is an adage that says; “A tree cannot make a forest”. Looking at it critically, there is more meaning to this simple saying than meet the ordinary eye.
Whichever way you may look at it, you need to have it at the back of your mind that you can never make progress in life by merely standing alone.
Standing alone is one attribute that can never take you to your destination. Remember no one has a monopoly of knowledge. It is when knowledge is combined and shared that more is achieved.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 2
~Learn to share what you have. It is in sharing that you will learn and improved what you seem to already know.~
I know you might say if I share my knowledge, someone might steal it. Well it is so true of it. I have gotten in that shoe before.
I had gotten my creativity stolen by a friend I trusted so much but sincerely, that have not made me to give up. But rather I am like; it is so good to know that I have something that someone else could steal.
It is better sometimes someone steal that and shared with others than you keeping it to yourself and letting it even die inside of you or unexpectedly, you are gone and no benefit of such to the yet unborn generation.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 3
~When you hide what you know, you die with it without helping to make the world a better play for all to live.~
Life is a dynamic sphere. If Our Creator was selfish, all that we have that is the earth would have been a mirage. The perfectness of life is to share all that you have for the benefit of others.
We do not need to hide our talent like our life depends on it. If I may ask, what is the use of a talent if it is not shared? It is so saddening to see people who want to make progress in life yet, what they have, the same they seem to keep to themselves.
For how long will you want to become your own man? Life is about networking. Pure leverage I would say. When you leverage, you gain more, make more and have a happier life that transcend your generation.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 4
~Leverage on what you have; then you will have more than you ever expected to have. ~
If I may ask, show me a happy man, then, I will show you a man who shares his knowledge. The journey of life is to take us to our destination. And to arrive there safely or successfully, we need others in every process of our journey.
It is only a foolish man that would say he can do without the help of anybody or can do all the work alone. Sincerely, to make process in life, you need the help of others to go along with you because no tree stands alone and makes a forest.
Like I would always say, if your aim is to fly higher in life, then carry as much people along as you can because when you missed your mark, it is the people you carry along that will help you along in other not to land on the bear ground.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 5
~When you help others, you are also helping yourself to get there quicker than you expect. ~
Between you, your dream and your destiny are many rivers to cross. It is your determination to cross the rivers that would make you reach your final destination.
You need determination and a bold spirit to overcome every obstacle that stands in your way. Some people can be an obstacle to you and you too can be an obstacle to yourself.
Whichever way, you need to look in-between the line and discover where the direction that seem to hide your destiny is coming from. And it is your bold determination to break that barrier that can take you there.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 6
~A man who is a hindrance to himself can never make progress no matter how he tries. ~
No matter what happen, if people disappoint you, do not feel so drawback. If people do so, it is a stepping stone for you to grow.
Every disappointment brings about a blessing and these blessings are a product of people who still comes into your life. Remember life is like an ocean. You can never tell where it might carry you to.
All you need is to steer up her boat gently and it will carry you to your final destination. Lastly remember that winning walks and strives along the line in progression.
All you need is to learn to take one step after the other in other to get to the final destination that is winning and in all this; you can never get there nor do without the help of others.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 1
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself” – Ralph W. Emerson
There is an adage that says; “A tree cannot make a forest”. Looking at it critically, there is more meaning to this simple saying than meet the ordinary eye.
Whichever way you may look at it, you need to have it at the back of your mind that you can never make progress in life by merely standing alone.
Standing alone is one attribute that can never take you to your destination. Remember no one has a monopoly of knowledge. It is when knowledge is combined and shared that more is achieved.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 2
~Learn to share what you have. It is in sharing that you will learn and improved what you seem to already know.~
I know you might say if I share my knowledge, someone might steal it. Well it is so true of it. I have gotten in that shoe before.
I had gotten my creativity stolen by a friend I trusted so much but sincerely, that have not made me to give up. But rather I am like; it is so good to know that I have something that someone else could steal.
It is better sometimes someone steal that and shared with others than you keeping it to yourself and letting it even die inside of you or unexpectedly, you are gone and no benefit of such to the yet unborn generation.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 3
~When you hide what you know, you die with it without helping to make the world a better play for all to live.~
Life is a dynamic sphere. If Our Creator was selfish, all that we have that is the earth would have been a mirage. The perfectness of life is to share all that you have for the benefit of others.
We do not need to hide our talent like our life depends on it. If I may ask, what is the use of a talent if it is not shared? It is so saddening to see people who want to make progress in life yet, what they have, the same they seem to keep to themselves.
For how long will you want to become your own man? Life is about networking. Pure leverage I would say. When you leverage, you gain more, make more and have a happier life that transcend your generation.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 4
~Leverage on what you have; then you will have more than you ever expected to have. ~
If I may ask, show me a happy man, then, I will show you a man who shares his knowledge. The journey of life is to take us to our destination. And to arrive there safely or successfully, we need others in every process of our journey.
It is only a foolish man that would say he can do without the help of anybody or can do all the work alone. Sincerely, to make process in life, you need the help of others to go along with you because no tree stands alone and makes a forest.
Like I would always say, if your aim is to fly higher in life, then carry as much people along as you can because when you missed your mark, it is the people you carry along that will help you along in other not to land on the bear ground.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 5
~When you help others, you are also helping yourself to get there quicker than you expect. ~
Between you, your dream and your destiny are many rivers to cross. It is your determination to cross the rivers that would make you reach your final destination.
You need determination and a bold spirit to overcome every obstacle that stands in your way. Some people can be an obstacle to you and you too can be an obstacle to yourself.
Whichever way, you need to look in-between the line and discover where the direction that seem to hide your destiny is coming from. And it is your bold determination to break that barrier that can take you there.
Love and Peace!
You Need Others To Get To Your Destination – Part 6
~A man who is a hindrance to himself can never make progress no matter how he tries. ~
No matter what happen, if people disappoint you, do not feel so drawback. If people do so, it is a stepping stone for you to grow.
Every disappointment brings about a blessing and these blessings are a product of people who still comes into your life. Remember life is like an ocean. You can never tell where it might carry you to.
All you need is to steer up her boat gently and it will carry you to your final destination. Lastly remember that winning walks and strives along the line in progression.
All you need is to learn to take one step after the other in other to get to the final destination that is winning and in all this; you can never get there nor do without the help of others.
Love and Peace!